
Exeter Cathedral Old Choristers' Reunion

2006 Easter Monday, Evensong

This is a private recording from John Attfield (treble: 1940s)

Director of Music: Andrew Millington

Organist: Paul Morgan

Organ Prelude

Introit - Donizetti / Jonathan Meyrick (Dean)

Versicles - Sanders

Welcome by Dean Jonathan Meyrick and Hymn: A brighter dawn is breaking

Psalm 114

First Lesson

The rest of the recording of the service is unfortunately faulty and unplayable.

The music was:

Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis: Wood in D.

Anthem: The Strife is O'er - Shephard

Hymn: Thine be the glory

Voluntary: Final, Organ Sonata 1 - Guilmont