
Ecoca reunion - 2011 - rehearsal

Ecoca Reunion - Rehearsal

ECOCA Reunion Dinner - 2015

Reunion Dinner

The Exeter Cathedral Old Choristers' Association takes pride in being considered one of the most actively supported Old Choristers' Association in Britain.

Chair: Cressida Peers

Secretary: Charlotte Longhurst

Treasurer: Matt Smith (interim)

We strongly encourage all Exeter Choristers to become Full Members of Exeter Cathedral Old Choristers’ Association (ECOCA) when they finish singing in the choir.

We also warmly encourage current and former Lay Vicars, Choral Scholars and those with an association with the cathedral or its choir to become Associate Members.

The main aims of the Association include making former choristers continue to feel part of the choir and encouraging them to become involved in promoting and developing the choir. Membership of the Association keeps them informed about choir developments and associated cathedral musical news, through receiving a regular ECOCA Newsletter.

The Association’s main annual event is the Easter Monday reunion. All members of the Association are invited to this. The day includes everyone singing in two services, lunch at the school and a celebratory evening dinner with guest speaker. Detailed information is sent out to Association members in the Spring of each year.

Full Members

All former Choristers of the Cathedral may become full members of the Association by:

Full members are entitled to full voting rights at the Annual General Meeting held each Easter Monday.

To become a full member, complete the membership form and make the appropriate payment (payment details are on the form).

Membership forms:

Or contact:

Associate Members

Current and former Choral Scholars and Lay Vicars, and former Non-Chorister Pupils of the Cathedral School may become Associate Members, as may other interested persons approved by the Committee on payment of the appropriate membership.

Please contact the ECOCA Secretary for more information about Associate Membership:

Existing members

Update your details | Cognito Forms

Membership details update

Note: ECOCA reserves the right to amend the Membership and Subscription fees.