Procession in south Quire aisle

This was taken in September 1965 as the Friends of the Cathedral’s Christmas card of that year.

Jon Hodge left after Christmas and David Acres became head chorister. Bob Lane’s voice broke so Chris Rogers became “Centre” on Dec and deputy head chorister.

The invisible boys should contain Edwards and Rendell plus two others (names anyone?).

Mr Dinneen left the choir in the summer of 1965 when he took up a full time teaching post at Dartington College of Arts. He was Dec bass and a professional singing teacher. He died in 1994 (information from Irene Dinneeen, his daughter, October 2014).

Christopher A. Hall (treble, 1961?-65, at the front right) sadly died just after Christmas in December 2017, aged 65. He had suffered from a brain tumour and then had a stroke. (information from Robert Lane)

Clergy, at rear of procession

Dean Marcus Knight

A Prebendary

The Ven. Babington, Archdeacon of Exeter

Rev Harry Rann, Succentor

Cathedral School Headmaster


Lionel Dakers, Organist


Gentlemen of the choir

Ronald Kitchen (tenor)

Ralph Price (tenor)

Chris Teuten (alto)

Malcolm Russell (alto)

? Haslam (bass)

Tommy Hughes (bass)



Chris Rogers

Derek Horne (nickname Pongo)



Jonathan Ridge

Tim Acres (brother of David)

Chris Kingsbury



Gordon Pike

Jon Hodge (head chorister)

David Acres (brother of Tim) (nickname Sid)

Jeremy Peyton-Jones

David Gregory

Richard Hitchens

? Roberts

Karl Hodgson (nickname Tacker)

Alex Palmer

Robert Lane (nickname Bronco)

Chris Hall

With thanks to Robert (Bob) Lane (treble) for providing this image and details about names