Gibb photograph archive, Volume 2

No. 39e - View from the north Cathedral tower looking north-east over High Street, showing bomb damage.

Looking north-east from the north tower of the cathedral over the area of the High Street, towards Pennsylvania Hill. Many bomb-damaged buildings have been removed.

The rooves at the bottom of the photograph, with a line of three gabled windows nearest the camera, are No. 6 The Close, with No. 6A and its garden behind.

At the time of the Blitz, Rev. Reggie LLewellyn (Succentor and then Precentor) occupied No. 6. A story told me (Mike Dobson) by Canon Thurmer (Chancellor in the 1970s and 1980s who lived in No. 6) was that when the air raid struck and caused much damage to No. 6, with Llewellyn and his wife narrowly avoiding serious injury or worse, Rev. Llewellyn was asked if he had opened and used his Red Cross emergency food and necessities parcel. He replied that he had not, as he was saving that for an emergency. (!)

A close-up version of and slightly different vertical angle to 39b.